Good evening. After reading about the blog explosion - and how boring they are, and that no one reads them - I decided it was the right time for me to put me thoughts out there for no one to look at. Actually, I want a place and reason to write for pleasure, which I haven't spent enough time doing. Hopefully knowing that I might, just might, have an audience looking for posts will inspire me to sit down and write something, right? I'm also trying to discipline myself to have more discipline.
Why a singer's journal? Well, that's where the discipline comes in. For several years now I've been studying voice with the intent of eventually earning part of my living from music, classical music. I can't tell you how many people I've met who consider this to be a colossal waste of time and money. I can see it that way too, and many times I wish I had fallen in love with investment banking, or law, or anything more practical. But here I am. Working to pay for rent and voice lessons, eking out a decent hour of practice after work and weekends, and slowly beginning to perform. But I wouldn't trade this first hand experience of music for the world. The problems that arise include traits I feel I've inherited: a proclivity to laziness, reckless feelings of self-doubt, and a lack of ambition. I'm just at the start of this journey, and I've yet to even imagine where it will take me.
In this blog I plan to discuss my vocal progress and experiences, as well as share some fiction, which I'll hopefully be motivated to produce.
So that's enough for tonight. I should be off to bed and up early for a productive day, musically and otherwise.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
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