Friday, August 18, 2006

No Cure Like Travel


The single trip I will take on an airplane this year fall two days after an unravelled terrorist plot heightens airline security.


Because of this, I check a bag I would otherwise have carried on. Om. This is also the first time that the airplane gods decide that it is my turn to lose my luggage.


During my three day stay in New York, I am anxious about my entire summer wardrobe now gone missing, not to mention my asthma meds.

But the bag came back! And here I am safely in Seattle for a 10-day workshop and visiting friends. I've been looking forward to this all summer, but truthfully, I came here with more than a little dread. I tend to fall apart at these workshops: invariably I am intimidated by singers who are younger, prettier, better, and more accomplished than me. Regardless of the fact that I also encounter people who are my equals, or are older, uglier, worse, and less accomplished (!), I put some work into keeping it together.

But so far, I think I'll like it here. I'm staying with my hilarious college pal Audrey, and I'm meeting friends old and new at the workshop. Yesterday at least four people approached me, convinced that they knew me from somewhere but we could not find the connection. This usually happens a few times a year, not all in one day. I wonder what it means??

I better run off to the bakery now for my breakfast of a scone and mandatory cup of coffee, and then off to work on some very old music in the very new part of the new world!

Me with Madelyn, Jeanmarie's baby girl.

Here's my sassy host Audrey. I offered to take her out to dinner to thank her for letting me stay, and she chose dollar taco Tuesday at a lesbian bar!

My alarm clock Mazzie, one of Audrey's two dogs.
A bouquet for Jeanmarie, dahlias and Queen Anne's lace. The famous Pike Place Market sells breathtakingly beautiful flowers for practically pennies.
The obligatory tourist shot of the very first Starbucks.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dog Days

My summer employment brings simultaneous blessings and curses, it’s all very interesting:

Blessing: I’m working full-time. This yields more money than my old part-time job, and certainly more than I would have made collecting unemployment, which I would have had needed to do once that part-time job ended.

Curse: I’m working full-time. This means that I’ve made only little progress on the half dozen music projects I’ve wanted to do, and felt less like a performer than an office monkey. Also, the Boston workplace is incredibly isolating – human social contact is kept to a bare minimum – so by the afternoon I’m trying to ward off loneliness.

Curse: The job is temporary. This was rather distressing during my first few weeks here, when my energy was just sucked away by working full time while having to search for a permanent job. As a temp, they can readily get rid of you whenever they please and for whatever reason. There was the chance that they might create a part time position for me, but that was never certain, and even the length of the assignment was unclear. Moreover, working through an agency, my salary is about the same as a high school babysitter's.
Blessing: The job is temporary. Starting a new job this summer would have demanded even more concentration and attention than this gig, even with the preoccupying job search at the same time. Besides, what else but a tempo position would let me blog during the day, as I'm doing right now?

Curse: The job is in Roxbury. One of Boston’s first outlying neighborhoods and quite vibrant in its way, there is no green space anywhere near my office, only one sort-of decent lunch place, and absolutely no shops of any use or interest. Located directly across from a bus terminal, I developed a cough within a few days of working here. The neighborhood is mostly minority, so heads turn when a white lady gets off the bus and many beggars step up their pleas when they see me.

Blessing: The job is in Roxbury. Because Boston is so segregated, it’s actually nice to see the lives of other citizens in another neighborhood. And you can’t say the locals aren’t friendly. When I have ventured out, I’m usually greeted by the numerous men hanging around the streets, some of whom have called out: “You’ve got a great smile!” “Bring those beautiful legs back here right now!” “You’re beautiful! If no one told you you’re beautiful today, then I’ll tell you!” I don't find this threatening at all. After a day in solitary office confinement, this is music to my ears. The cashier at the decent lunch place (Hector) is a character, and chats with me every time I come in. He even gave me a free slice of white bean pie, promising I would love it. (The maple whipped cream it came with was delicious; the pie itself was sweeter than white beans were ever meant to be.)

I’m trying to get what I can out of this place before I leave (in 6 working days!!!). There are some interesting sights (photos below), and even a couple of promising nooks. A new Dominican lunch counter opened up, and I think I’ll check it out some time when I want to fall into afternoon food coma. Local charm is surprisingly hard to find in Boston, especially ethnic, and I’ve actually hoped to find another Dominican joint since I first knew one near my first workplace in New York a bunch of years ago. What better way to cool off than a bucket of oxtail stew, and piles of rice, beans, and pico de gallo? And even better, a batido de papaya or morir soƱando, a sweet drink of orange syrup and milk that is so good it earned its name: to die dreaming.

And occasionally I stop in the Tropical Foods "El Cabanero" down the road, where I barely buy anything but just gaze at the other world of immigrant food. Who knew that there were so many different kinds of grain out there, and all with beautiful names: gari, cassava, iyan, moin moin, banku, alubo, egusi, and alligator peppers. Once I bought some delicious chili powder, and mango nectar. I decided to skip the weirdo dried fish section, and the copious collection of tinned ham, of all things, and what would a gringa ever be able to do with these piles of unknown roots and tubers?

Ham in a can is nothing short of a Treet.

What if you could smell this picture?

The aisle is three times the size of this shot.
You can see the skyline from a garden near my office.....
... but alas, it's under lock and key.
I imagine this beautiful corner building (now abandoned) was a busy department store before Roxbury fell into decline.
Yup, the sign's correct, tuxedos for hire, $2.00 and up!