Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Meet Amanda and Duncan. You'll find them in this week's style section, which I admittedly glean on occasion to compare the couples' ages to my own. There is usually a strong crowd of thirtysomethings, and fewer and fewer young chickens, which is reassuring. (Amanda in the picture is 33. Duncan is a yucky 46.)

Anyway, this is lovely portrait of a good looking couple. Besides the fact that she is a fellow member of the Worldwide Amanda Association (the WAA), I was drawn to her distinctive look. Maybe it's just the sunlight on the hair, but those cerulean eyes, that ivory skin, evoke to me a lady descended from royalty, a princess or a goddess from antiquity.

But then, I broke the spell by watching their little love video. True, this is invariably the most boring crap on the web. The Times films the couple recounting how they met, mixed with shots from their vacations and dopy footage of the pair fawning over each other. But Amanda, really, must your voice be so whiny? Must your comments be so dumb? Must your posture be so bad? You have a name to live up to! Next time, I'll leave the back story (complete with voiceover) to my little imagination.

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