Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sometimes, you just have to respond

I know my Dad won't think it's a good idea to publish this, but I'm feeling sad about this news, and I want more people to know about it. Below is my response to a message from the BU Dean of Students. I encourage anyone who is interested to weigh in as well.

Dear Kenneth Elmore:
In the 2006-2007 academic year, four Boston University students have died. I am disappointed and heartbroken to receive the same, barely-edited, boilerplate email from you on every occasion. Obviously, Boston University is not doing enough to keep its students safe, and these deaths deserve more than an email and a statement on the availability of resources. You and your staff must make a public effort to start a dialogue with students about safety issues, and begin to change the culture that leads to these accidents.

This is not a public relations issue, nor is it merely, as your emails suggest, a matter of consoling ourselves after yet another tragedy.

I urge you to address this more responsibly. Students' lives evidently hang in the balance.

Amanda Keil
(CFA '07)

--- Dean of Students <> wrote:
Fellow members of the Boston University community:

Today, I must write to you with terribly sad news. Early Saturday morning two Boston University students died in a tragic, accidental fire in an off-campus residence. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these students and those who knew them - we share their grief and sadness. Our community has suffered two great losses and I can only imagine the feelings of the families and loved ones of these young students; I wish to extend my deepest condolences to them. Our thoughts and prayers, too, are with another BU student who is being treated for injuries suffered in this fire. At the request of these students' families I am not releasing their names at this time.

I encourage you to take advantage of the broad network of available University professional and peer resources, as needed. Support for students, faculty, and staff is available throughout the campus. Tomorrow, University chaplains are available from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Marsh Chapel's Robinson Chapel for anyone who feels the need to gather for group or personal prayer and reflection. In addition, we have counseling services available through the Behavioral Medicine Clinic at Student Health Services.

You may speak with a member of the counseling staff by calling (617) 353-3569 or by going to 881 Commonwealth Avenue, West. Residence hall directors and resident assistants from the Office of Residence Life are also available at our campus residences, and can be contacted by calling or visiting a residence hall office. As always, I am grateful to the chaplains, counselors, residence life staff, and other members of the community who made arrangements to provide support today.

The death of any member of our community is a tragedy that saddens us all, no matter the cause or reason. Our campus should join together to seek support and sympathy during this difficult time. Please let me know if I or a member of my staff may be of assistance. This tragedy has received a great deal of media attention; I encourage you to let your loved ones know that you are safe.

Kenneth Elmore
Dean of Students

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